Hearing Loss Organizations

In my humble opinion, the very best thing you can do about your hearing loss is to spend time with other people who have hearing loss. You say you don’t know any? Let’s see if we can fix that. If you visit our Hearing Loss Organizations page (I’ll give you that link later ;-), you’ll see that there are lots of organizations that are trying to help. I’m going to recommend three for you to start with.

If you live near a city, there may be a local chapter of the Association of Late Deafened Adults (ALDA) or Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) near you. You can find out by following the links to the home pages of these organizations and looking at their chapter list. If you are fortunate enough to have a chapter near, contact them NOW (I’ll wait) and arrange to attend their next meeting.

If you don’t have a local ALDA or SHHH chapter, you should join the SayWhatClub. You should probably join even if you have a local ALDA or SHHH chapter. They have incredible interaction online, so you can participate no matter where you live. And you can have daily, even hourly contact with other people with hearing loss.

I can’t stress this enough. Join at least one of these organizations NOW.

Oh yeah, here’s the promised link to a list of hearing loss organizations.