24th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and POPs
Octoberber 29, 2004-And here you will find the Highlight Session presentations. September 23, 2004-Have a look at the Dioxin 2004 pictures and Dioxin 2005. September 6, 2004-On-line registrations are not possible anymore. Please register on site. September 3, 2004-All Papers can be viewed on-line and downloaded (pdf-Reader required). August 4, 2004-The scientific program is online now. June 10, 2004-Over 660 papers have been submitted to the Dioxin 2004. May 25, 2004-The paper upload is still possible though the final deadline is over now. However all papers submitted now will be considered for posters. May 6, 2004-The deadline for the paper submission has been extended to May 21. This is the final deadline. No further extension is possible. The early registration deadline has been changed to June 25, 2004. April 8, 2004-The Short paper submittal deadline has been extended to May 7, 2004 The papers presented at Dioxin 2004 will be a volume of Organohalogen Compounds as they have been in the past, and they will be quoted in Current Contents. The papers will be published only on CD-ROM, no printed version will be produced. March 31, 2004-Participant registration has started now here February 1, 2004-Short Papers can be submitted now here At the 23th Dioxin Symposium in Boston, the International Advisory Board decided that copies of the proceedings will no longer be printed. Instead, a user-friendly CD-ROM will be produced, which will contain all short papers. The CD-ROM will also include various search routines. This will allow us to reduce the registration fees by 50 ,- EUR to: Early registration: Participants full 550 ,- EUR Participants reduced 250 ,- EURO october 06, 2003-Link to Hotel Reservation Form now available |