This association is a professional association of professional nurses established in 1981 by several nurses who have acquired ET nurse qualifications overseas. Twenty years have passed since then, and now the members are those who have completed WOC nurse education overseas and WOC nursing (wound, ostomy, incontinence nursing) certified nurses certified by the Japanese Nursing Association. Currently, it has grown into a professional association of about 360 people, and 140 WOC certified nurses will be born annually in the future. This shows the needs and high expectations that society has for WOC nursing. While we are pleased with this increase in membership, maintaining and improving the quality of knowledge and skills in the specialized areas of our members will be a major issue in the future.
Sponcer: ED Shop
The purpose of this association is to “develop specialized fields and provide high-quality nursing services.” In order to achieve this purpose, the high aspirations of each member and the strong cohesiveness of the entire organization are essential. Since it is a professional association with a long history, we can expect great support for new members. The “Japan Wound, Ostomy, and Incontinence Care Study Group” sponsored by the Society will also be able to develop into an academic society in the future, with a view to educational support aimed at improving the expertise and skills of members, which will increase rapidly in the future. I would like to make an effort. To that end, we believe it is important to strengthen the ties between regional blocks set up all over Japan and create a system that allows each member to receive the support they desire. We sincerely hope that you will bring together your high qualities and devote yourself to the development of WOC nursing
* ET Nurse (Enterostomal Therapy Nurse)
Yuko Mizogami, President of Japan ET / WOC Association
History of Japan ET / WOC Association (JAET / WOC)(Year)Related matters● The birth of Japan’s first ET
(surgeon Taizo Tamura)1976●
World Council of Enterostomal Therapists (WCET) established● Birth of Japan’s first ET nurse
(Mieko Takahashi)1979●
Taizo Tamura, the first chairman of the Japan ET Association
(7 members)1981● Second Chairman Atsuko Maekawa19821986● St. Luke’s International Hospital ET School Creeland Clinic Branch School Opened
(1990 Independent)● Established Specialized Nurse System Review Committee
(-2001)1989● The 1st “Japan ET Association Study Group” was held1991● Third Chairman Yukiko Minami1994● St. Luke’s International Hospital ET School closed (closed in 1996)
● The 10th WCET Academic Conference was held in Yokohama1996● Japanese Nursing Association WOC Nursing Certified Nurse Curriculum Opened● WOC Nursing Certified Nurse Joins
Japan ET Association
● 6th “Japan ET Association Academic Meeting
(Renamed)” Held1997● Birth of the 1st WOC Nursing Certified Nurse● WOC Nursing Certified Nurse Special Examination (ET Nurse Transition Measures)1998● Japanese Nursing Association WOC Nursing Accredited Nursing Curriculum Becomes WCET Accredited School● The 8th “Japan Wound / Ostomy / Incontinence Care Study Group (renamed)” was held199920012002 2002● WOC Nursing Certified Nurse Registered / Facility Announcement2005● Started training WOC nursing certified nurses at “Hokkaido Medical University Certified Nurse Training Center”, “Saitama Prefectural University Education and Training Center”, and “National Association of Social Insurance Association Nursing Training Center”● Homepage opened
● Renamed to Japan ET / WOC Association
● 4th Chairman Yuko Mizogami
● 25th Anniversary Celebration Held
● 25th Anniversary Magazine “Kakehashi” Published
● 25th Anniversary Book Publishing2006● Started training WOC certified nurses at “Japan Red Cross College of Nursing Nursing Practice / Education / Research Frontier Center”
What is the Japan ET / WOC Association?
Purpose of activity While improving
the welfare of members, we will strive to improve professional ethics, develop specialized fields such as stoma care, incontinence care, and wound care, and provide high-quality nursing services to improve people’s health and welfare. Contribute.
Business content to achieve the purpose Business
related to the development and improvement of this organization Business leader training, business related to continuous education Business related to the promotion of academic research Business related to research on the working environment of the main members Business related to public relations
International exchange such as WCET Business and other businesses are necessary to achieve the purpose of the Society.