Education & Home Study Opportunities

Bill’s Attic

Bill is an information junkie. He loves almost any piece of paper with writing on it and is tireless in his collecting of articles, books, advertisements, brochures, letters; anything he thinks will someday be useful to him, his family, or anyone else, gets carried home and put in a pile. Eventually the pile gets put into a box and the box sits in his office waiting to be organized. And once in a while, just once in a great while, Bill (or some fairy godmother of his) sorts through the boxes and some small piece of his collection gets entered into the computer. And Bill’s most favorite thing (next to collecting information) is to have it all stored and organized on his computer. He just sleeps better on these rare and wonderful occasions.

So come back to the attic once in a while to see how much progress Bill is making on organizing his boxes. Because as soon as it goes onto his computer, it will likely be added to Bill’s Attic, Bill’s on-line repository for useful information.

Education & Home Study Opportunities

Internet Courses:

Intensive Ericksonian Hypnosis Training (with Bill O’Hanlon and Bob Bertolino)
Offered by The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM)

Solution-Oriented Therapy: A Strength-Based Approach (with Bill O’Hanlon and Bob Bertolino)
Offered by The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM)


Dealing with Our Most Difficult Clients (Instructor: Bill O’Hanlon)
Offered by Psychotherapy Networker U Telecourses;

Home Study Programs (Books and Audio):

Metaphors Be With You: Using Stories and Other Metaphorical Interventions in Therapy
Offered by J&K Seminars (created from recordings of Bill’s presentations).

Spirituality and Brief Solution-Oriented Therapy
Offered by J&K Seminars (created from recordings of Bill’s presentations).

Rewriting Love Stories: Brief Marital Therapy
Offered by (by Bill O’Hanlon and Patricia Hudson).

Even from a Broken Web: Solution-Oriented Therapy for Sexual Abuse and Trauma
Offered by (by Bill O’Hanlon and Bob Bertolino).